Rebellienne HVH
Rebellienne HVH (aka Rebel) is an exceptional dressage athlete with numerous national and regional titles as a young horse earning her a treasured spot in the HVH performance broodband.
In 2013, Rebellienne was the 4yo USEF Young Horse Dressage Champion and also placed 3rd in the US Dressage Finals. She has exceptional movement, rideability and trainability and is likely to remain a regional champion as she continues her development towards FEI dressage. while simultaneously producing exceptional progeny.
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EM Whitney BH

Rebellienne HVH
2009 Bladk Elite Hanoverian Mare
Pedigree: Rotspon x EM Whitney BH
Height: 16.2H
Potential: FEI Dressage
Schooling: Prix St. Georges
Asking Price: Not currently for sale
Full Pedigree below videos
Schooling PSG
Confirmed Second Level with scores to 75.5%
Champion USEF Young Horse Dressage Program (4 yo)
3rd Place US Dressage Finals (Training Level)
3rd Place USDF Horse of the Year (Materiale)
Champion USDF Horse of the Year (Materiale)
Reserve Champion USDF Horse of the Year (In-hand)
5th Place USDF Horse of the Year (In-hand)
Tied 1st Place Hanoverian IBC at Dressage at Devon
4th Place USDF Horse of Year (in-hand)
3rd Place USDF Region 3 Filly Championship (fillies aged 1-3 years)
4th Place USDF Horse of the Year (in-hand)
6th Place USDF Region 3 Filly Championship (fillies aged 0-3 years)
Franziska HVH
DeLaurienne HVH
DeNalia HVH
Der Mondschatten HVH
Der Sternschnuppe HVH
Defiance HVH
We were so impressed with our 2007 Rotspon x EM Whitney breeding (Rebellienne's older full sister, Radiance) that we were compelled to repeat the breeding.
Rebellienne was in the top rankings for USDF Horse of the Year every year during her young life (in-hand and under saddle). In 2012 she had the notoriety to be Champion HOY for 3yo mares in materiale and was Reserve Champion HOY for 3yo fillies in-hand. She continued her under saddle performance campaign in 2013 achieving Champion 4yo in the Markel/USEF Young Horse Dressage Championships, Champion Training Level at USDF Region 1 Championships and 3rd Place in the US Dressage Finals. In addition to her under saddle performance, Rebellienne also achieved her Hanoverian Elite Mare Status in 2013 and has produced numerous exceptional offspring via embryo transfer.
Rebellienne is exeptionally talented under saddle with a unique temperament that is ultra sweet and mild in hand and bold and confident under saddle. She has 3 exceptional gaits including a ground covering walk which consistently scores in the 9's. She is focused and enjoys her work with exceptional rideability.
Rebellienne HVH
2009 Black Elite Hanoverian Mare
Full Pedigree